Wednesday, September 24, 2014

QR Codes in 5th Grade ELA

I have been trying to integrate technology into a 5th Grade ELA class for the past few weeks. However, it wasn't until I sat in this teacher's classroom that the wheels started churning in how to do so.  I just so happened to be walking into the classroom while they were in centers. As I was watching, I noticed that this teacher had a library with students doing an activity. I asked the students what they were doing and they said they were doing a scavenger hunt looking for certain things in the their class library. During the course of the scavenger hunt, they would write their answers down on a white board and then place the white board on the teacher's desk when done. Immediately I was like, "Hey! Let's just turn this into a Google Form!" I asked the teacher if it was okay if I took her scavenger hunt questions home and spiced it up a little bit--- she was more than willing!

Today was the first day that we were able to roll out the "digital" version of this center. To prep for this center I did a few things.

Task 1: I went to Google Forms and basically copied the questions from the paper-copy that the teacher had. I made sure that there was plenty of room to write in each response.

Task 2: Once the form was created, I created a tinyurl  I decided that a QR code would be the best tool to get the surveys onto the iPad. To make the QR code, I turned my survey link into a much smaller link using Once the link was shortened, I then typed ".qr" after it so that it automatically turns it into a QR code. From there, I just put it into Power Point and made it larger. The result was:

Once the QR code was scanned it took you to the scavenger hunt which looked like this:

If you haven't used Google Forms before, once a student "turns in" their work, the results await you in a nice and neat spreadsheet file. Here is a screen shot:

Upon asking the students which method they enjoyed better (dry erase board vs Google Forms) majority of them chose Google Forms!

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